Thursday, December 2, 2010

People and their vocabulary

I'm back again and as a critic this time around. I find people, organizations all trying to enhance their vocabulary. I agree that the standard would improve but is it really necessary. Cant we put things across in simple english so that a layman would understand. Its nice to show your command over the language but at what cost if the other person is not able to easily understand what you are trying to convey. In the recent case of the big 2G spectrum, a saga going on here in India, I found the term exchequer which was frequently used. When I saw what it was on the dictionary found that its called treasury. A pretty simple word which has been ignored for a hifi wording. I dont understand the need for such words when there are other words which would be grasped easily.
Organizations on the other hand use hifi wordings in their collaterals just to showcase to the clients that their standard of english is very high and to lure them. But alas, little do the clients know that the people who prepare the collaterals are not the ones who are going to work for them. Our country despite having talented techy guys have on the other hand the factor which denies their progress, yes I meant the communication skill in English. All I can say is I find either people who are in the left extreme or in the right extreme. People dont follow the middle path. What a pity!!